The Inevitable

Photo by Gratisography on

I rolled all over

As I shivered

Shaking like a leaf

In stormy weather

I wore a squint

As my eyes hurt

Bringing forth tears

While bloodshot red.

He walked in

stared me down

wearing a horrid grin

As he jeered

Making me weep

As I yelled

That he let me be

As I wasn’t set

To let go

Of the luxury

And affluence

I was accustomed to.

But he refused

Saying that I was his.

He went further

To ridicule me

Then he reached

To grab my neck

Pinning me down

On the squeaky bed.

I screamed loud

Then mustered strength

Breaking free

Of his fierce grip

Summoning courage

with which I said

“Today is not the day”

But he laughed fiercely

Saying ”I decide your time”

He gripped me once more

With more vigour

Overpowering me

As I became numb

And frigid

While my body froze

With stillness

As I succombed

To the inevitable.

Published by aybeewrites109

Hi, I'm Abraham Ofili a creative writer that likes to mould his thoughts into words. It all began early in 2016 when I was in a library with my laptop and I just started typing about random things that crossed my mind at that point in time. Since then, I've always had a niche to write about something. My writing is centered around poetry and short stories. I love writing because it's a way to speak to the world using a pen and paper.

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