
Photo by Arthur Brognoli on

I sit and stare

In blissful awe

With the risen sun

All in my face

Making me squint

With a shy grin

As the trees rustle

With dancing branches

In no particular rhythm

As the breeze

Sweeps through its midst

While surrounding water

Wobbles without care

While I trascend

To a place

Where I feel nothing

But soothing calmness

That warms my heart

Making me tranquil.

Published by aybeewrites109

Hi, I'm Abraham Ofili a creative writer that likes to mould his thoughts into words. It all began early in 2016 when I was in a library with my laptop and I just started typing about random things that crossed my mind at that point in time. Since then, I've always had a niche to write about something. My writing is centered around poetry and short stories. I love writing because it's a way to speak to the world using a pen and paper.

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